
玄海原子力発電所3、4号機運転差止訴訟控訴審第13回口頭弁論及び同3、4号機 原子炉設置変更許可取消訴訟(行政訴訟)控訴審第12回口頭弁論が行われました-当社側証人の尋問を実施-

The 13th oral hearing of the appeal trial regarding the injunction to stop the operation of Units 3 and 4 of the Genkai Nuclear Power Plant, as well as the 12th oral hearing of the appeal trial for the cancellation of the reactor installation modification

Today, a verbal hearing for the above-mentioned lawsuit was held at the Fukuoka High Court as described below.

Going forward, efforts will continue to fully express the company's claims and to ensure understanding regarding the safety of the Genkai Nuclear Power Plant.


1. Appeal hearing of the injunction against operation: 13th verbal hearing

This case concerns the request for injunction against the operation of units 3 and 4 of the Genkai Nuclear Power Plant, appealing against a judgment by the Saga District Court (dated March 12, 2021) that dismissed the case. The company argues that there is no specific risk of a serious accident as claimed by the appellant and maintains that the original judgment is valid, seeking dismissal of the appeal.
This time, the examination of witnesses from the company's side was conducted.

2. Appeal hearing of the administrative lawsuit: 12th verbal hearing

This case concerns the request for cancellation of the permit for changes to the reactor installation of units 3 and 4 of the Genkai Nuclear Power Plant (dated January 18, 2017), appealing against a judgment by the Saga District Court (dated March 12, 2021) that dismissed the case. The company continues to participate in the litigation following the original trial. The company asserts that there are no illegal aspects to the permit for changes to the reactor installation of the Genkai Nuclear Power Plant, and maintains that the original judgment is valid, seeking dismissal of the appeal.

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