

AMD (AMD.US) CEO Lisa Su has been selected as the CEO of the Year by Time Magazine.

AASTOCKS ·  Dec 11, 2024 14:18

Lisa Su, CEO of AMD, was selected as the Best CEO of the Year by Time Magazine, highlighting her leadership in the company's transformation over the past decade.

When Lisa Su took over as CEO, the company's stock price was about $3, and its market share in the Datacenter chip segment was negligible. By comprehensively redesigning products and improving customer relationships, she capitalized on the AI boom, driving the company's Market Cap to surpass its competitor Intel for the first time in 2022. The company's stock price subsequently soared to about $140.

Harvard Business School also used Lisa Su's management of AMD as a case study, emphasizing her importance in turning around the company's Business achievements. However, the company still ranks second in the Semiconductors industry, trailing NVIDIA, which, under Jensen Huang's leadership, has become the largest Global Market Cap company and dominates the market for image processors (GPUs) in AI Datacenters.

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