
CHEVALIER INT‘L(00025)拟3500万美元出售美国安老院舍物业及相关设施等资产

CHEVALIER INT‘L (00025) intends to sell Assets such as USA elderly care facilities and related properties for 35 million USD.

Zhitong Finance ·  Dec 11, 2024 06:18

CHEVALIER INT'L (00025) announced that on December 10, 2024...

According to the Zhitong Finance APP, CHEVALIER INT'L (00025) announced that on December 10, 2024, OR4 Laurelhurst (a wholly-owned subsidiary indirectly owned by the company) entered into an asset purchase agreement with SE Stark, wherein OR4 Laurelhurst agreed to sell transferred assets to SE Stark for a total consideration of 35 million USD.

The transferred assets include (among others) (a) the permanent ownership of the real estate where Laurelhurst Village, 3060 SE Stark St., Portland, OR 97214, USA ("the facility") is located and adjacent real estate; (b) all buildings, structures, fixtures, building systems, and equipment included in the real estate, along with all components, including (among others) the security and monitoring systems owned and installed by OR4 Laurelhurst at the real estate, as well as the telecommunications, computer, wiring, and cabling installations owned and installed by OR4 Laurelhurst at the real estate (collectively referred to as "improved facilities"); (c) all rights, ownership, and interests of OR4 Laurelhurst in the alleys, strips, or triangular areas adjacent to the real estate, as well as all other appurtenances, rights, and privileges pertaining to the real estate and improved facilities owned by OR4 Laurelhurst (collectively referred to as "appurtenances"); (d) all Furniture, fixtures, furnishings, and equipment owned by OR4 Laurelhurst located within the facility, as well as all other tangible personal property items owned by OR4 Laurelhurst used for the ownership, leasing, and maintenance of the real estate and the facility (collectively referred to as "tangible personal property"); (e) all licenses, permits, approvals, and requirement certificates (or equivalent certificates) owned or held by OR4 Laurelhurst that are necessary for ownership and leasing of the facility, to the extent that OR4 Laurelhurst's rights can be transferred under applicable laws; (f) all rights, ownership, and interests of OR4 Laurelhurst in any architect and engineer plans and specifications related to the facility; (g) vehicles specifically mentioned in the asset purchase agreement; (h) all rights, ownership, and interests of OR4 Laurelhurst in any trademark names related to the operation of the facility (including but not limited to "Laurelhurst Village" and "Laurelhurst Terrace"); and (i) any and all other intangible personal property items owned by OR4 Laurelhurst used for ownership, leasing, and maintenance of the real estate and the facility.

The announcement states that the group has been investing in elderly care properties and related facilities in the USA since 2011. The group will periodically adjust its portfolio to improve the overall performance of its healthcare investments. Considering numerous factors, including but not limited to local economic and demographic distribution, the market supply and demand for elderly care services, the growth potential and current actual condition of the transferred assets, the group has decided to sell the transferred assets and reallocate resources to other investments of the group.

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