

Bear Electric Appliance (002959.SZ): Terminated part of the initial public offering fundraising projects and will permanently supplement the remaining raised funds to working capital.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 10, 2024 19:09

On December 10, Gelonghui reported that Bear Electric Appliance (002959.SZ) announced that the Board of Directors agreed to terminate the initial public offering fundraising project "Creative Small Appliances (Leliu) Base Project" (referred to as the "Leliu Base Project"), and the remaining raised funds of 130,833,766.19 yuan (accounting for 13.97% of the total net raised funds, including the net amount of accumulated bank deposit interest after deducting bank fees, and the actual amount for replenishing working capital will be based on the actual amount in the Account on the day, same below) will be permanently used to replenish working capital in order to improve the efficiency of the use of raised funds.

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