Sichuan Changhong Electric (600839.SH) announced that the company recently signed an agreement on "Sichuan Universities Technology Achievements..." with multiple participants.
According to Zhituo Finance APP, Sichuan Changhong Electric (600839.SH) announced that the company recently signed the "Sichuan Universities Technology Achievement Transformation Venture Capital Partnership (Limited Partnership) Partnership Agreement" with multiple participants to jointly establish the venture capital fund Sichuan Universities Technology Achievement Transformation Venture Capital Partnership (Limited Partnership), focusing primarily on investment areas such as electronic information, ai, and sse high-end equipment manufacturing 60 index.
The total amount of capital contribution for this venture capital fund is 2,828.28 million yuan, with limited partners (LP) contributing a combined total of 2,800 million yuan, accounting for 99.00% of total contributions, among which the company contributes 30 million yuan from its own funds, accounting for 1.06% of total contributions; Peking Zhilu Assets contributes 28.28 million yuan as the general partner (GP), accounting for 1.00% of total contributions.