

PayeCrowd --- significantly rebounding, "Furumachi Pay" is being introduced in Kiho Town, Mie Prefecture.

Fisco Japan ·  Dec 9, 2024 13:17

Significant rebound. It was announced that Value Design Inc., which operates cashless service businesses under its umbrella, has introduced the local payment type hometown tax donation service "Furumachi Pay" to Kiho Town in Mie Prefecture. In Kiho Town, hometown tax donations using "Furumachi Pay" will begin on December 2, 2024. "Furumachi Pay" allows visitors to easily make donations from their Smart Phones on-site, and they can use the digital coupons that serve as return gifts right away, envisioning use in restaurants, campgrounds, experience facilities, etc., making it possible to promote the region's appeal while increasing donation opportunities.

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