■Company Overview
1. Company Overview
Nippon Hume <5262> is a comprehensive manufacturer of secondary concrete products that will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the company's founding in 2025. Manufacture of fume pipes began for the first time in Japan in 1925, and since then it has expanded into fields such as concrete piles for foundation construction, shield construction segments (tunnel covering materials used in shield construction methods), road wall railings, etc., and provides one-stop services from design/manufacture to construction of secondary concrete products. Our corporate philosophy states, “Our company will participate in the development of social infrastructure and contribute to the creation of a rich human environment. Our company strives for harmony among people and always seeks happiness and a sense of life for its employees. Our company looks to the future and aims to be a strong company through tireless technology development.” It contributes to the creation of a prosperous society and environment by participating in the development of social infrastructure through product precasting to compensate for labor shortages in the construction market and product/construction method development to respond to aging social infrastructure.
On 2023/4/1, Mr. Minoru Okawauchi, the former President and CEO, took office as Chairman of the Board, and Mr. Tomoyuki Masubuchi, the former managing director, took office as President and CEO. As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the company's founding in 2025, we aim to further grow the group and improve corporate value using the 100th anniversary as a passing point under the new management system.
Total assets as of the end of the interim period ending 2025/3 are 60311 million yen, net assets are 41589 million yen, shareholders' equity is 38485 million yen, the equity ratio is 68.2%, and the number of issued shares is 29,347,500 shares (including 6,114033 treasury shares). The head office is located in Minato-ku, Tokyo, and domestic manufacturing bases are located in Tomakomai (Tomakomai, Hokkaido), Kumagaya (Kumagaya-shi, Saitama-ken), Mie (Mie-gun, Mie), Amagasaki (Amagasaki-shi, Hyogo), and Kyushu (Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka-ken).
The group consists of the same company, 9 consolidated subsidiaries, 6 affiliated companies (companies subject to the equity method), and 1 unconsolidated subsidiary (company not subject to the equity method). The consolidated subsidiaries are Toho Hume Tube Co., Ltd., Kikou Akebono Co., Ltd., NH Futaba Co., Ltd., Nippon Hume Engineering Co., Ltd., Hume's Co., Ltd., Environmental Improvement Plan Co., Ltd., Steel Trading Co., Ltd. (made into a consolidated subsidiary in January 2024), Nippon Hume International Limited (Hong Kong), and 1 other overseas company. Companies related to the equity method include NJS <2325> (established as a subsidiary of the company in 1951) and Asahi Concrete Industries <5268>. Also, in 2022, Confrontier Co., Ltd., an urban infrastructure solutions business, was established as a joint venture with NJS (unconsolidated subsidiary; investment ratio is 50% for the same company, 50% for NJS).
Nippon Hume Concrete Co., Ltd. was established in Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama-shi in 1925/10, the trade name was changed to Nippon Hume Kan Co., Ltd. in 1928/12, the head office was moved to Minato-ku, Tokyo in December 1955, and the trade name was changed to Nippon Hume Co., Ltd. in 2000/10. In relation to stocks, the stock was listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 1949/5, and transitioned to the prime market in 2022/4 due to the market division restructuring of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Then, the 100th anniversary of the company's founding will be celebrated in 2025.
In terms of business development, after production of fume pipes began in 1925, the business area was expanded to include concrete piles, as well as various precast concrete products* including large diameter fields and road fields by utilizing that technology. Also, the real estate leasing business began in 1986, and the solar power generation business and segment business began in 2015. Furthermore, we are promoting the development of new products and new construction methods that meet the needs of the times.
※ It is a secondary concrete product that is manufactured at a factory and then assembled and installed at a construction site
(Author: FISCO Visiting Analyst Masashi Mizuta Exhibition)