
港股异动 | 金山云(03896)涨超5% AI布局已初见成效 三季度盈利水平加速提升

Hong Kong stocks movement | Kingsoft Cloud (03896) rises over 5%, AI layout shows initial effectiveness, and the profit level has accelerated in the third quarter.

Zhitong Finance ·  Dec 9, 2024 11:11

Kingsoft Cloud (03896) has risen over 5%, with the stock price increasing more than 2 times in the past month. As of the time of publication, it has risen 5.63%, priced at 4.69 Hong Kong dollars, with a transaction volume of 0.371 billion Hong Kong dollars.

According to Zhito Finance APP, Kingsoft Cloud (03896) has risen over 5%, with the stock price increasing more than 2 times in the past month. As of the time of publication, it has risen 5.63%, priced at 4.69 Hong Kong dollars, with a transaction volume of 0.371 billion Hong Kong dollars.

On the news front, Kingsoft Cloud previously announced its third-quarter performance, with total revenue reaching 1.886 billion yuan, an increase of 16.0% year-on-year; gross profit was 0.3034 billion yuan, an increase of 54.6% year-on-year; non-GAAP EBITDA was approximately 0.185 billion yuan, turning profit from loss year-on-year. The announcement stated that the year-on-year revenue increase was mainly due to the revenue growth from Xiaomi and clients related to the Kingsoft ecosystem and ai, as well as the increased demand for industry cloud services, although part of the increase was offset by the company's proactive reduction of low-margin content distribution network (CDN) services.

Everbright Securities pointed out that in Q3 2024, public cloud revenue reached 1.18 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 15.6%; in Q3 2024, AI revenue reached 0.36 billion yuan, accounting for 31% of public cloud business revenue. The expansion of the AI business has driven further diversification of the company's client and industry distribution. The firm believes that Kingsoft Cloud, as the only strategic cloud platform within the Xiaomi & Kingsoft ecosystem, has promising revenue elasticity from the ecosystem and profitability is expected to continue improving, with expectations for the company's adjusted operating profit margin to turn positive in 2025.

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