Ch beidahuang (00039) announced that the proposed restructuring has been completed on December 4, 2024.
According to the Smart Finance APP, ch beidahuang (00039) announced that the proposed restructuring has been completed on December 4, 2024.
As all prerequisites for the subscription have been met, on December 4, 2024, the company issued 0.85 billion subscription shares to investors at a subscription price of HKD 0.10 per share, accounting for approximately 11.24% of the enlarged issued share capital as of the date of this announcement.
The subscription price of HKD 85 million has been utilized in the following manner: HKD 45 million has been paid to the planned company on December 4, 2024, and will be used according to the creditor plan with the creditors as beneficiaries after any priority debt and planned costs are paid; HKD 20 million has been used to offset the restructuring cost loans withdrawn by the company; and the remaining balance will be used as general working capital for the company.