
中科环保(301175.SZ)授出2311.6万股限制性股票 授予价为2.41元/股

Zhongke Eco-friendly Concept (301175.SZ) has granted 23.116 million restricted stocks at a grant price of 2.41 yuan per stock.

Zhitong Finance ·  Dec 4, 2024 19:32

Zhongke Eco-friendly (301175.SZ) announcement, the company's 2024 restricted stocks incentive plan (referred to as "this incentive plan"...)

Zhitong Financial News APP, Zhongke Eco-friendly (301175.SZ) announcement, the company's 2024 restricted stocks incentive plan (referred to as "this incentive plan") stipulated that the conditions for the initial grant of restricted stocks have been met, and approved and determined that the first grant date of this incentive plan by the company is December 4, 2024, granting 23.116 million shares of restricted stocks to 293 incentive recipients who meet the conditions for grant, at a price of 2.41 yuan per share.

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