
港股异动 | 多家大行预期政策将进一步宽松 逆周期调控力度或加码 内房股普涨

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | A number of major banks expect policies to further relax counter-cyclical regulation or increase the price of inner housing stocks.

智通财经 ·  Feb 13, 2020 10:31

Zhitong Financial APP learned that HSBC Research recently issued a research report, which is expected to begin to relax the government's real estate policy as soon as March this year, and the recent stock price adjustment has made the sector's valuation attractive. Credit Suisse said that the momentum of land sales has been a leading indicator of real estate policy reversal, and it is expected that policy relaxation will be seen in the first half of this year. Furey said that the market is expected to introduce more policies or credit easing in the coming months, which is good for the industry as a whole, and investors are advised to wait for the bottom. Inner housing stocks rose generally.

As of press time, Baolong Real Estate (01238) rose 5.92% to HK $5.01; Sunac China (01918) rose 3.48% to HK $44.6; Xuhui (00884) rose 2.95% to HK $6.29; Rongxin China (03301) rose 2.62% to HK $9.02; Shimao Real Estate (00813) rose 2.49% to HK $28.8.

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