
Roivant将停止开发一种肺病药物 因中期试验未达目标

Roivant will cease the development of a lung disease drug due to the mid-term trial not meeting its goals.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 3, 2024 21:42

December 3rd, 格隆汇| Roivant will stop developing a drug to treat a rare lung disease because the drug failed to demonstrate therapeutic effects in a mid-stage trial. Kinevant Sciences, a company under the Roivant umbrella, announced on Tuesday that their monthly injectable drug nanomab did not meet its primary and secondary endpoints in a study evaluating about 107 patients with chronic active pulmonary sarcomatoid tumors over a period of approximately 6 months. This disease forms inflammatory cell masses in the lungs and other organs, leading to tissue damage and organ dysfunction. According to the American Lung Association, sarcomatoid tumors affect 0.15 million to 0.2 million people in the usa each year.

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