
华润微(688396.SH):网上投资者已获超额配售4394.9万股 最终战略配售约8789.82

格隆汇 ·  Feb 13, 2020 09:11

Gelonghui February 12th 丨HuarunWeChat (688396.SH) announced the initial public offering of shares and the listing on the Science and Technology Innovation Board online subscription status and winning rate. The details are as follows:

I. Online subscription situation and preliminary winning rate for online distribution

According to data provided by the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the number of valid subscribers for this online offering was 3,6454.12 million, the number of valid subscription shares was 132,977,201,500 shares, and the initial winning rate for the online offering was 0.06389667%. The total number of matching numbers is 265,954,403, and the number range is 100,000,000,000,000-100,265,954,402.

II. Implementation of over-allotment options

The initial number of shares issued this time was 292,994,049 shares, of which: the number of strategic placements was 87.88214 million shares, the initial number of shares issued offline was 164,076,835 shares, and the initial number of shares issued online was 41.019 million shares (before excessive allocation was launched). If the over-allotment option is exercised in full, the total number of shares issued will expand to 336,943,049 shares.

According to the over-allotment option mechanism announced in the “Issuance Notice”, the sponsoring agency (lead underwriter) has over-allotted 43.949 million shares to online investors at the current issue price, accounting for about 15% of the number of shares initially issued. Before the launch of the rebate mechanism and after the launch of overallotment, the number of shares issued online was 84.968 million shares, accounting for about 34.12% of the number issued after deducting the final strategic placement volume after overallotment was launched.

III. Implementation of the callback mechanism, distribution structure and final winning rate for online distribution

According to the return mechanism announced in the “China Resources Microelectronics Co., Ltd. Initial Public Offering of Shares and Listing Arrangements on the Science and Technology Innovation Board and Preliminary Quotation Notice”, the final strategic placement number of shares issued this time was 87.882.14 million shares, accounting for about 30% of the initial number of shares issued and 26.09% of the total number of shares issued after the full exercise of the over-allotment option, which is consistent with the initial strategic placement volume.

Since the initial effective subscription multiplier for online investors was 1565.03 times, higher than 100 times, the issuer and sponsor (lead underwriter) decided to launch a rebate mechanism to return 10% of the current publicly issued shares from offline to online, that is, 20.51 million shares will be transferred back from offline to online. The number of publicly issued shares referred to in this section shall be calculated according to the total volume of offline and online issuances before overallotment commences and after deducting the final strategic placement of shares.

After the over-allotment option and the launch of online and offline callback mechanisms, the final number of shares issued offline was 143,566,835 shares, accounting for 57.65% of the number issued after deducting the final strategic placement, accounting for 42.61% of the total volume issued; the final number of shares issued online was 105,478,000 shares, accounting for 42.35% of the total number issued after deducting the final strategic placement amount, accounting for 31.3% of the total volume issued.

After the launch of the callback mechanism, the final winning rate for online distribution was 0.07932036%.

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