
国际油价区间震荡 成品油零售限价或面临搁浅

International oil prices are fluctuating within a range, and the retail price limit of refined oil may face being stranded.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 3, 2024 09:54

According to Zhuochuang News on December 3, within this period, the domestic reference crude oil change rate has shown a declining trend after gradually turning from negative to positive. The data model calculates that as of December 2, the closing rate of the reference crude oil on the 9th working day in China is 0.15%. It is expected that gasoline and diesel will be raised by 5 yuan/ton. Since the predicted adjustment range does not exceed 50 yuan/ton, it is expected that the retail price limit of refined oil may face a stalemate by 24:00 on December 4, marking the sixth time this year that retail prices have not been adjusted. In the next half month (from 24:00 on December 4 to 24:00 on December 18), the fuel costs for personal driving and logistics transportation fuel costs will remain unchanged.

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