
特斯拉(TSLA.US)自動駕駛軟件已更新 為Cybercrab鋪路

Tesla (TSLA.US) self-driving software has been updated to pave the way for Cybercrab.

AASTOCKS ·  Dec 3, 2024 03:39

Tesla's (TSLA.US) vice president of self-driving and artificial intelligence software department, Ashok Elluswamy, posted on social platform X last weekend that FSD self-driving software version 13 has been activated, upgrading every part of the driving network end-to-end.

Based on ai, FSD has inspired founder Musk's dream of self-driving taxi Cybercrab. Stifel analyst Stephen Gengaro stated that the latest software update is a key component of Cybercrab business, believing that Musk may accelerate regulatory approvals in the Trump administration, paving the way for Tesla's FSD deployment.

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