<9214> Recovery 1406 +5
Stalemate. Clutch Communication announced that it signed a basic agreement regarding the revival support for paid job introduction business, and although it started high, it has turned down due to selling pressure. Clutch has decided to withdraw from the business consulting business in the fiscal year ending November 2024, resulting in a significant financial burden. As a result, it has become difficult for them to continue the business independently, leading to the filing of civil rehabilitation proceedings today. The company determined that participating in the revival support as a sponsor while supporting Clutch's funding will contribute to Clutch's business reconstruction.
<4495> Eye Cubed 1397 +45
A rebound. It was announced that a public tender offer (for subsidiary acquisition) for Wanbi's shares listed on the TOKYO PRO Market will begin. The TOB price is set at 1,200 yen per share, with a planned purchase of 0.35 million shares. It is expected that through development cooperation related to services between the two parties, the competitiveness of each party's specialty services will be strengthened. Additionally, due to some differences in the distribution channels and commercial flows of the services provided by both parties, it is believed that mutual customer referrals and sharing of distribution channels will lead to business performance growth. It has been determined that mutual complementarity in distribution channels, commercial flows, and development capabilities exists between the parties involved.
<7342> Wealth Navi 1658 +300
Trading halt. After the close of trading on the 29th, Mitsubishi UFJ Bank announced that it will conduct a tender offer bid (TOB) to acquire all shares of Wealth Navi for the purpose of making it a wholly-owned subsidiary. The TOB price is 1,950 yen per share, and the stock price is adjusting to this. The lower limit of the planned purchase is 3,098,100 shares (51.46% ownership), with no upper limit set. It is expected that after the TOB is completed, it will be delisted after the necessary procedures. The company has expressed agreement with the TOB and encourages shareholders to apply.
<4378> CINC 685 +2
Stalemate. For the full-year revenue forecast for the fiscal year ending October 2024, it was revised upwards from a loss of 0.055 billion yen to a profit of 0.065 billion yen, gaining favor. This revision was due to the steady progress of orders for the Analytics business exceeding previous expectations. Regarding the upward revision of various stage profits, factors included an increase in external outsourcing costs due to increased orders for the Analytics business, as well as cost control due to the delay in hiring management staff, and cost control due to the increase in retirements of sales personnel.
Stock code <4387> ZUU 786 +100
Stop limit buying. It announced the signing of a capital business partnership agreement with ACN Holdings after the close of trading on the 29th, which is seen as positive news. The aim is to provide more proactive marketing support for the 'A Share' commodity, beyond simply business consignment and entrusted relationships, by establishing a certain capital relationship to build a more stable relationship and create synergy through collaboration, pooling the resources and expertise of both teams, aiming to create synergies through collaboration and ultimately contribute to the increase of both companies' earnings and, in the long run, their corporate value.
Stock code <4583> Kaiomu 188 -19
Significant decline. Tokyo Stock Exchange announced that starting from the 2nd, the initial margin ratio for new sell and buy orders for the company's shares in margin trading will be set at over 50% (including 20% cash) which led to selling pressure. Additionally, Japan Securities Finance also announced the implementation of increased margin collateral collection measures, setting the collateral ratio for margin trading, carry-over transactions, self-transactions, and non-netting participants at 50% (including 20% cash collateral).
Reason For Report