
九電グループ向け 新造LNG船「QUEST KIRISHIMA」が竣工

The newly built LNG ship "QUEST KIRISHIMA" for the Kyuden Group has been completed.

Nippon Yusen ·  Dec 1, 2024 23:00

Strengthening the LNG ship business in growth areas contributes to the stable supply of energy.

The liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier "QUEST KIRISHIMA" (hereinafter referred to as "the ship"), which our company ordered from Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "SHI"), was completed on December 2 at the SHI Geoje shipyard. This ship will be deployed under a time charter contract with Q United Energy Supply & Trading Co., Ltd., a 100% subsidiary of Kyushu Electric Power Company.
The cargo tank of this ship has a capacity of 174,000 cubic meters and employs a membrane type (Note 1) with excellent thermal insulation performance. It is equipped with a dual-fuel slow-speed diesel engine "X-DF engine" that utilizes fuel oil and boil-off gas (LNG vaporized within the cargo tank during navigation), as well as a re-liquefaction unit that effectively utilizes surplus boil-off gas, enabling operations that are significantly more efficient, economical, and reduce environmental impact compared to traditional LNG carriers.


Newly built LNG carrier "QUEST KIRISHIMA"

Our mid-term management plan, "Sail Green, Drive Transformations 2026," is based on the strategies of deepening existing core businesses and investing in new growth businesses. In the energy transportation business, efforts will be strengthened around the LNG/LPG ship business, which is positioned as a growth area, and by leveraging the experience, technical capabilities, and network developed as one of the world's largest LNG ship ownership and management companies, we will contribute to the stable supply of energy in japan.
In addition, our company will strengthen its cooperation with the Kyuden Group in a wide range of areas, not only in the LNG transportation business but also in LNG fuel supply for ships, the construction of the world's first LNG fuel Panamax coal carriers, and the establishment of supply chains for next-generation energy like green ammonia (Note 2).

Overview of this ship:

Overall length: approximately 293 meters.
Overall width: approximately 46 meters.
Main engine: X-DF engine.
Cargo capacity: approximately 174,000 m3.
Shipbuilding yard: Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. Geoje Shipyard (south korea).

(Note 1) The method of covering the inside of the tank with nickel steel or stainless steel "membrane" to maintain low temperatures and absorb gas expansion.
(Note 2) Ammonia generated using renewable energy. Since carbon dioxide (CO2) is not emitted during both combustion and manufacturing, it is expected to become a promising energy resource for realizing a decarbonized society.

Related press release.

  • A regular charter contract for one LNG vessel has been concluded with the Kyuden Group.
  • An LNG bunkering vessel will be operational in the Kyushu and Setouchi region in 2024.
  • The LNG bunkering vessel 'KEYS Azalea' has been completed.
  • The operation of the world's first LNG-fueled Panamax coal carrier 'Shoyo' has begun.
  • A basic agreement has been reached on maritime transportation of green ammonia between india and japan.

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