

Trichemicals - significant decline, despite the rise at the end of last week due to good earnings, selling pressure dominates the market again.

Fisco Japan ·  Dec 2, 2024 12:59

Trichemical <4369> fell sharply. The company announced its financial results at 15:00 last weekend, which led to buying dominance afterwards, but today it is facing selling pressure causing a reversal. The cumulative operating profit for the third quarter is 3.5 billion yen, 2.6 times higher than the same period last year. The profit growth rate has further expanded from a 76.2% increase in the first half to the current 90% progress rate towards the full-year estimate of 3.9 billion yen. Although it is a positive financial report, with the stock price trending downwards, there seems to be strong selling pressure especially as the second half was originally considered conservative.

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