

"Black Friday" flash report: The United States experiences a stark contrast between offline and online sales, with online shopping expected to set a new record. ·  Dec 2, 2024 12:57

1. In the USA, the 'Black Five' sales are booming, with a 3.4% year-on-year increase in total retail sales from physical stores and online; 2. Consumers are increasingly inclined towards online shopping, with data showing that physical store sales increased by less than 1%, while online sales surged by 14.6%; 3. The industry also predicts that the scale of online Monday consumption will reach $13.2 billion, a 6.1% year-on-year increase.

Financial Link News on December 2nd (Editor Malan): The Black Friday sales in the USA this year are booming. Despite retailers starting holiday discount actions earlier than last year, this did not reduce consumers' enthusiasm for shopping on 'Black Five' day.

Last Thursday was the traditional American holiday Thanksgiving. Black Friday is the informal name for the Friday after Thanksgiving in the USA. Black Friday is considered a barometer of the annual Christmas sales performance in the retail industry in the USA, and it is also one of the most important and busiest days of the year for all businesses.

According to consumer data from financial service provider Mastercard, the total retail sales from physical stores and online in the USA increased by 3.4% year-on-year on 'Black Five.' The company's Senior Advisor Steve Sadove stated that shoppers took full advantage of seasonal discounts but were more strategic in their shopping.

Sadove pointed out that consumers are more selective in their spending, with one trend being more people opting to purchase goods online. Mastercard data shows that this year, physical store sales increased by less than 1% compared to last year, while online sales surged by 14.6%.

Jonathan Chin, co-founder and data chief of research firm Facteus, further added that these data have not yet taken inflation into account. If adjusted for inflation, offline consumption may become even lower, with this year's online Black Friday sales expected to rise by 8.5%, while offline sales are projected to decline by 8%.

Online sales may set records again.

This year's Black Five shopping season is relatively short, with a total of 26 days from Thanksgiving to Christmas. This has given retailers a sense of urgency and led many analysts to be less bullish about the performance of chain department stores and large retailers.

However, the strong performance online has masked the sluggishness offline. Adobe Analytics pointed out that last Friday's online turnover was around $10.8 billion, a significant increase from last year's $9.8 billion, while the consumption scale on cyber Monday is expected to reach $13.2 billion, a year-on-year increase of 6.1%.

Facteus also stated that as of last Friday, e-commerce retailers including Shein, Temu, and TikTok Shop all showed strong growth in sales compared to the same period last year.

E-commerce platform shopify also reported that its sales on Black Friday reached a record high, with global sales reaching $5 billion. Among them, the average shopping cart consumption of American shoppers was $157, with most added products being clothing, skincare products, and vitamins.

The National Retail Federation estimated in October that Americans would spend $902 per person during the Black Friday shopping season, $25 more than last year and $16 more than the record set in 2019.

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Black Friday has sparked a shopping wave! How to quickly seize investment opportunities? Open futubull > Market > US Stocks > Investment Themes,and quickly see the Black Friday concept stocks >>


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