The government has signed a letter of intent for the development of the northern metropolitan area with 85 companies. When interviewed by the newspaper, Tsai Kwun Sun, the President of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, believes that the government's approach can help build confidence and an atmosphere. As for specific investment projects and amounts, it depends on planning, design, funding needs, etc., describing the need to "do the math".
Tsai Kwun Sun stated that the government does not "tell developers what to do", only creates conditions for companies to see business opportunities in related developments, and with government support, the effect may be better.
He believes that whether it is "calculated properly" depends on the short-term or long-term perspective. Even if the current numbers may not be ideal, in the long run, if Hong Kong is considered stable, it may not necessarily increase significantly in 5 to 10 years. He pointed out that this is a confidence issue, and he believes that "you need to have confidence in Hong Kong".