
CorVel Announces Retirement Of V. Gordon Clemons As Chairman Of The Board, Effective November 26, 2024; President And CEO, Michael G. Combs Was Appointed As The New Chairman Of The Board

Benzinga ·  Nov 30, 2024 02:36

CorVel Corporation (NASDAQ:CRVL) announces V. Gordon Clemons is electing to retire as a member of the Company's Board of Directors (the "Board") and as Chairman of the Board, effective November 26, 2024, after 37 years of service. Clemons founded CorVel Corporation in 1988 and has served as Chairman of the Board since the Company went public in 1991. Effective upon Clemons' retirement, Michael G. Combs, the Company's President and Chief Executive Officer, was appointed as the new Chairman of the Board. Clemons has been an advisor to Combs since 2017, and he will continue to be available to Combs as an outside consultant.

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