
FUTURE BRIGHT(00703.HK)获获授本金总额1.29港元融资

FUTURE BRIGHT (00703.HK) has been granted a total principal financing amount of 1.29 Hong Kong dollars.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 29, 2024 16:49

On November 29, Gelonghui reported that FUTURE BRIGHT (00703.HK) announced that on November 29, 2024, the company (as the borrower) entered into two financing letters with Hang Seng Bank Limited Macao Branch (the "lender"), under which the company was granted financing totaling approximately HKD 1.29 billion for a term of 60 months, commencing three months from the drawing date. The financing aims to refinance the existing bank financing between the company and the lender, which had an outstanding total of approximately HKD 0.106 billion as of October 31, 2024, to be repaid respectively in October 2025 and December 2025.

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