
MClean Technologies Reports 47% Quarterly Revenue Growth To RM16 Million

Business Today ·  Nov 29, 2024 15:13

MClean Technologies Bhd has reported a remarkable third consecutive profitable quarter after it registered a 47% increase in its revenue to RM16 million for the third quarter ended Sept 30, 2024 (3Q24).

The positive 3Q24 revenue brought the total revenue for the nine months ended Sept 30, 2024 (9M24), to RM45 million, a significant 28% growth, compared to the 9M23 figure.

Commenting on the optimistic surge, MClean Technologies Executive Chairman and Executive Director Datuk Dr Terence Tea Yeok Kian said the solid financial performance reflects the effectiveness of the company's decisions to drive operational efficiencies and to explore new avenues for growth.

"With the recent strategic corporate proposals, including the proposed acquisition of We Total Engineering Sdn Bhd which represents a good buy for the company, we are building a foundation for sustainable, long-term profitability.

"We remain optimistic about MClean Technologies' future as we leverage our expanded capabilities to deliver consistent value to our shareholders," Tea said.

Looking forward, MClean Technologies is committed to maintaining this positive momentum and focusing on strategies that support long-term profitability while bolstering growth.

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