
江苏神通(002438):24Q3利润率同比提升 核电阀门业务稳中向好

Jiangsu Shentong (002438): 24Q3 profit margin increased year-on-year, steady improvement in nuclear power valve business

huaan ·  Nov 28, 2024 00:00

Key points:

Net profit for 24Q3 was 0.084 billion yuan, +10.56% year over year. The performance was in line with expectations. In the first three quarters of 2024, the company achieved revenue of 1.634 billion yuan, +5.87% year over year; net profit attributable to mother/withheld from mother was 0.228/0.206 billion yuan, respectively, +13.03%/15.53% year-on-year. Among them, in Q3, the company achieved revenue of 0.582 billion yuan, +6.95% YoY and +20.73% month-on-month; realized net profit attributed/withheld from mother 0.084/0.079 billion yuan, +10.56%/+27.65% YoY, and +40.54%/+70.25% month-on-month.

Sales gross margin/net margin increased by 1.72/0.86ppt in the first three quarters of 2024. The company achieved a gross profit margin of 32.18% in the first three quarters of 2024, +1.72ppt year on year; achieved a net profit margin of 13.92%, +0.86ppt year over year. Among them, 24Q3 achieved gross profit margin of 33.26%, +2.83ppt year over month, +0.18ppt month on month; achieved net profit margin of 14.46%, +0.45ppt year over year, and -2.09ppt month-on-month. In the first three quarters of 2024, sales/management/R&D/finance expenses rates were 4.82%/5.34%/5.04%/1.15%, respectively, -0.30/+0.48/+1.19/ -0.21ppt, respectively; the Q3 sales/management/R&D/finance expenses rates were 4.32%/5.84%/1.12%, respectively, -0.54/+0.97/+2.30/ -0.39ppt.

By business: Nuclear power valves are stable; Ruifan energy saving profits are being released; semiconductor valves are in the verification phase 1) Ruifan's energy saving business released profits in the third quarter: The Jinxi 135MW ultra-supercritical gas power generation project began to share benefits in the third quarter since it was put into production. In addition, the No. 1 and No. 2 furnaces of the Hangang Nengjia Steel Gas Power Generation Project were put into operation in October 2023, and commissioning has been completed one after another. As these two projects fully enter the benefit-sharing period in 2024, it is expected to significantly increase Ruifan Energy's revenue. 2) Semiconductor valve business: Vacuum valves, ultra-clean valves, etc. developed by the subsidiary Shentsu Semiconductor have entered the user-side prototype verification stage. They are still in the early stages of market expansion. There are no batch orders yet, and it is expected that large-scale commercial applications will be realized in the future. 3) Nuclear power valves: The company's current annual production capacity of nuclear power valves can support the market demand for existing nuclear power valves. The company plans to raise capital through refinancing to expand production capacity. It is expected that the additional production capacity will be able to provide the valves needed for no less than 4 new nuclear power units. The company's nuclear power valve confirmation revenue and order delivery are usually distributed in the second to third year after the order is confirmed.

Investment advice

We expect the company to achieve revenue of 2.389/2.798/3.211 billion yuan in 2024/2025/2026, +12.0%/+17.1%/+14.8% year on year, and lower the net profit forecast to parent to 0.311/0.379/0.438 billion yuan (previous value was 0.361/0.454/0.577 billion yuan, mainly due to the volume of the company's nuclear power business and the pace or uncertainty of Ruifan's energy saving business profit release), +15.8% /+ over the same period last year 21.9%/15.5% is equivalent to 21/17/15 times the price-earnings ratio, maintaining the “gain” rating.

Risk warning

Risks that tenders for nuclear power valves fall short of expectations. Risk of impairment of goodwill. Risk of metallurgical valve performance recovery falling short of expectations

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