

Shareholder Zhongying Ji has cumulatively reduced their shareholding by 2.079 million shares in Weiye Construction Group (300621.SZ).

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 28, 2024 21:40

Weiye Construction Group (300621.SZ) announced that the shareholder Yunnan Zhongying Enterprise Management Center (Limited Partnership) (referred to as 'Zhongying Group')...

According to the announcement from Futu Securities' app, Weiye Construction Group (300621.SZ) announced that the shareholder Yunnan Zhongying Enterprise Management Center (Limited Partnership) (referred to as 'Zhongying Group') has decided to terminate the current shareholding reduction plan ahead of schedule. From June 26, 2024 to date, it has cumulatively reduced the company's shares by a total of 2.079 million shares, accounting for 0.9992% of the company's total share capital.

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