
万业企业(600641.SH):筹划实际控制人变更事项 29日复牌

Shanghai Wanye Enterprises (600641.SH): Planning a change in actual control person, resuming trading on the 29th.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 28, 2024 20:11

Shanghai Wanye Enterprises (600641.SH) announced on November 28th, that the company's stocks will resume trading on November 29, 2024 (Friday). Earlier, due to the partners of the indirect controlling shareholder Hong Tianyuan Partnership planning to transfer property share agreements, this matter may lead to a change in the actual controlling shareholder of the company. The company will be suspended from trading starting from November 28, 2024, with an expected suspension period of no more than 2 trading days. There is still some uncertainty in this property share agreement transfer, and the company will fulfill its disclosure obligations in a timely manner according to relevant regulations.

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