
DNeX Records Higher Net Profit Of RM9.1 Million In 3Q24

Business Today ·  Nov 28, 2024 16:44

Dagang NeXchange Berhad (DNeX) has recorded a net profit of RM9.1 million for its third quarter ended Sept 30, 2024 (3Q24), an increase of 82%, compared to the RM5 million recorded in 2Q24.

For 3Q24, DNeX recorded a revenue of RM263 million with the Technology segment being the largest revenue contributor, generating RM161.5 million or 61% of the total revenue, followed by the Energy segment with RM52.4 million and the IT segment which accounted for RM49.1 million.

DNeX's net profit for the nine months ended Sept 30, 2024, amounted to RM28.6 million, with total revenue reaching RM871 million.

Meanwhile, due to the change in the financial year-end from June 30 to Dec 31, there is no year-on-year comparison available for the quarter.

However, as of Sept 30, 2024, the group maintained a strong net cash position, with a total cash balance of RM476.3 million, surpassing its total borrowings of RM74.7 million.

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