
大行评级|瑞银:上调迪克体育评级至“买入” 目标价上调至260美元

Major bank rating | UBS Group: Upgraded Dick Sports rating to "buy" with target price raised to $260.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 28, 2024 14:51  · Ratings

Gelonghui, November 28: The ubs group has upgraded the rating of Dick's Sporting Goods from 'Neutral' to 'Buy', and raised the target price from $225 to $260. The bank indicated that compared to the past, the company is expected to achieve more sustainable profit growth in the future, which has not yet been fully reflected in the stock price. Additionally, Dick's Sporting Goods will continue to leverage its unique competitive position to create an appealing ecosystem, including the addition of more than 50 flagship stores in the coming years. (Gelonghui)

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