
港股异动 | 申洲国际(02313)跌近4% Nike订单温和展望叠加关税预期影响 里昂下调其盈测及目标价

Hong Kong stock movement | shenzhou international group holdings limited unsponsored adr (02313) fell nearly 4% as Nike's orders have a mild outlook, compounded by the impact of tariff expectations. Credit Lyonnaise lowered its earnings forecast and targe

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 28, 2024 11:54  · Ratings

Shenzhou international group holdings limited unsponsored adr (02313) fell nearly 4%, as of the time of reporting, down 3.75%, priced at 57.7 Hong Kong dollars, with a transaction amount of 0.122 billion Hong Kong dollars.

According to Zhitong Finance APP, Shenzhou international group holdings limited unsponsored adr (02313) fell nearly 4%, as of the time of reporting, down 3.75%, priced at 57.7 Hong Kong dollars, with a transaction amount of 0.122 billion Hong Kong dollars.

In news, Credit Lyonnais recently issued research reports stating that they believe Shenzhou international group holdings limited unsponsored adr will benefit from the OEM replenishment cycle. Considering investors' concerns regarding geopolitical risks and the moderate outlook for Nike orders, the earnings forecast for fiscal year 2025 to 2026 has been lowered by 5 to 6%, and the target price has been reduced from 98 Hong Kong dollars to 75 Hong Kong dollars, with a rating of 'outperform'.

The elected president of the USA, Trump, recently stated that he will impose a 25% tariff on all products entering the USA from Mexico and Canada. Trump also announced an additional 10% tariff on commodities from China. However, Credit Lyonnais believes that in the medium term, the USA's policy of raising tariffs poses limited downward risk for the group.

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