

The National Medical Insurance Administration: Negotiated pharmaceuticals during the agreement period have reduced the financial burden on patients by over 880 billion yuan.

AASTOCKS ·  Nov 28, 2024 10:36

This morning, the National Medical Insurance Administration announced the new version of the pharmaceutical catalog at a press conference. A responsible official from the National Medical Insurance Administration stated at the meeting that since its establishment, the speed of new drugs entering the catalog has continuously accelerated, allowing insured individuals to enjoy the benefits brought by pharmaceutical innovation in a timely manner. As of the end of October this year, the cumulative number of beneficiaries from negotiated pharmaceutical products during the agreement period reached 0.83 billion people, alleviating the financial burden on patients by more than 880 billion yuan. With more new drugs entering the catalog, the level of benefits for patients will steadily improve, which will effectively enhance the confidence of the pharmaceutical industry in increasing research and development innovation, conducive to better promoting economic and social development.

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