
《業績》Urban Outfitters(URBN.US)漲19% 第三財季盈收勝預期

《Performance》Urban Outfitters (URBN.US) rose 19% in the third quarter, with earnings exceeding expectations.

AASTOCKS ·  Nov 28, 2024 02:56

Retailer Urban Outfitters (URBN.US) saw strong performance driving its stock price up on Wednesday, surging nearly 19% to $47.65.

The company announced that net profit for the third quarter increased by 24% year-on-year to 0.103 billion US dollars, with adjusted earnings per share of 1.1 US dollars, exceeding market expectations of 85 cents. Quarterly sales increased by 6.3% to 1.36 billion US dollars, also higher than the expected 1.34 billion US dollars.

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