
美股异动|禾赛一度涨超16% 第三季业绩亮眼+核心产品明年价格将减半

U.S. stocks move|Hesai surged over 16% at one point, with impressive third-quarter performance and core product prices set to be halved next year.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 27, 2024 23:23

On November 27th, Greelong reported that Hesai (HSAI.US) rose more than 16% at one point during the intraday trading, reaching a high of $7.99. The stock surged over 44% yesterday. In terms of news, Hesai achieved a revenue of 0.54 billion yuan in the third quarter, a year-on-year increase of 21.1%. This growth is mainly attributed to the significant increase in shipments of lidar, with a quarterly total delivery volume of 134,208 units, a substantial year-on-year increase of 182.9%. In terms of profitability, Hesai continues to significantly reduce losses, with a 56.8% year-on-year narrowing of Non-GAAP net loss in the third quarter, and profitability indicators continue to improve. In addition, in response to the news that "Hesai Technology's lidar prices will be halved next year," a Hesai Technology spokesperson stated that with the massive shipment of the long-distance lidar product ATX for ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) mass production applications, the price is expected to decrease to $200 next year. However, this does not mean that the prices of all Hesai products will be halved, nor does it apply to all business sectors. (Greelong)

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