
德祥地产(00199)公布中期业绩 股东应占亏损损5.04亿港元 同比扩大约2.13倍

itc properties (00199) announced its interim results, with shareholders' net loss increasing by approximately 2.13 times to 0.504 billion Hong Kong dollars compared to the same period.

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 27, 2024 21:34

itc properties (00199) announced its interim results for the six months ended September 30, 2024, with earnings of approximately 969...

Zhixin Finance APP reported that itc properties (00199) announced its interim results for the six months ended September 30, 2024, with earnings of approximately 9.697 million Hong Kong dollars, a 90.38% year-on-year decrease; the company's owners' deficit for the period amounted to 0.504 billion Hong Kong dollars, about 2.13 times larger year-on-year; basic loss per share was 56 Hong Kong cents.

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