
港股异动 | 芯片股尾盘走高 半导体设备进口受阻或加剧 自主可控有望不断加速

Hong Kong stocks are moving differently | Chip stocks rose in the afternoon as imports of semiconductor equipment faced obstacles, which may intensify, and the push for self-sufficiency is expected to accelerate continuously.

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 27, 2024 15:09

Chip stocks rose in the afternoon trading session, as of the press time, Shanghai Fudan (01385) rose by 7.31%, to 14.98 Hong Kong dollars; ASMPT (00522) rose by 5.07%, to 76.7 Hong Kong dollars; Hua Hong Semi (01347) rose by 4.79%, to 20.35 Hong Kong dollars; Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (00981) received a net buy of 3.45%, to 25.5 Hong Kong dollars.

According to the report from Financial APP, chip stocks rose in the afternoon trading session, as of the press time, Shanghai Fudan (01385) rose by 7.31%, to 14.98 Hong Kong dollars; ASMPT (00522) rose by 5.07%, to 76.7 Hong Kong dollars; Hua Hong Semi (01347) rose by 4.79%, to 20.35 Hong Kong dollars; Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (00981) received a net buy of 3.45%, to 25.5 Hong Kong dollars.

On the news front, according to Reference News, the American Chamber of Commerce sent an email to its members on the 21st, stating that the Biden administration is planning to announce new export restrictions on China as early as this week. GTJA pointed out that the import of major front-end equipment such as etching, deposition, quantity testing, and ion implantation dominated by American manufacturers may be further restricted, prompting domestic equipment to accelerate substitution. In addition, as another weapon to improve chip performance, the expansion of advanced packaging production is expected to accelerate.

Hua Long Securities pointed out that semiconductors are a crucial area of competition for major nations, and geopolitical tensions exacerbate the shortage of chip supply, making it urgent to achieve autonomy and control. In addition, with the possibility of increased U.S. technological embargoes and trade sanctions against China after Trump's election, it is not only imperative for China's semiconductor industry to achieve self-sufficiency and controllability, but it will also accelerate continuously. HTSC stated that if the scope of semiconductor export restrictions expands further, it may have a certain impact on China's semiconductor industry in the short term, but in the long run, it may promote domestic substitution.

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