

Volume change rate ranking (13:00) ~ Janome, Hosoya Fire, etc. ranked in.

Fisco Japan ·  Nov 27, 2024 13:04

In the volume change rate ranking, by comparing the average volume of the past five days with the volume on the delivery day, you can understand the market participants' interests, such as trends in trading.

■ Volume change rate top [As of November 27, 13:32]

(Comparison of average volume for the past five days)

Code⇒Company Name⇒Trade Volume⇒5-day Average Trade Volume⇒Volume Change Ratio⇒Stock Price Change Ratio

<3681>V cube362030034510.86335.30%0.0438%
<1814>Oomatsu Construction38320062162.04245.70%-0.0423%
<9072>Nikkon HD1315600311511.12237.35%0.0214%
<3221>Yoshix HD6050036714.6179.44%-0.0256%
<4274>Hosoya Fire 16220037467.52158.92%-0.0511%
<5621>Human T10010037798.74139.25%-0.0442%
<7888>Sanko Synthesis35270057322.34133.19%-0.0065%
<8966>Heiwa RE9862412354.32129.00%-0.0082%
<7921>TAKARA & C9390076006.36126.27%0.0319%
<6474>koss corp198600178113.2125.43%-0.0157%
<4080>Tanaka Chemicals39800074977.12122.12%-0.0585%
<2792>Honeys HLD241700120326.88111.35%-0.0085%

(*) is a new stock that has entered the rankings.

Excluding those with a 20-day moving average trading volume of 50 million yen or less.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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