
家电股普升 TCL电子(01070)涨4.49% 机构指白电为政策刺激最直接受益方向

Home appliances stocks generally rose, tcl electronics (01070) increased by 4.49%, institutions pointed out that white goods are the most direct beneficiaries of policy stimulation.

Jingu Finance News ·  Nov 27, 2024 10:39

Jingu Finance News | Home appliance stocks rose, TCL Electronics (01070) up 4.49%, Skyworth Group (00751) up 2.14%, Vesync (02148) up 1.29%, Haier Smarthome (06690) up 1.15%.

GTJA stated that by comparing the average sales price of each category within the subsidy period with the year-to-date average price before the subsidy, the absolute online channel prices have been fully increased. In addition, under the guidance of the subsidy for high energy efficiency standards, the average price increase of categories with originally high proportions of low energy efficiency such as color TV is most significant (this does not involve the impact of panel price changes). October air conditioner production and sales data have been released, with both domestic and export maintaining high growth year-on-year. Industry online monitoring data shows that in October 2024, 14.057 million units of household air conditioners were produced, up 48.0% year-on-year; sales reached 12.869 million units, up 37.9% year-on-year. Among them, domestic shipments were 6.289 million units, up 24.1% year-on-year, and exports were 6.58 million units, up 54.3% year-on-year. The bank pointed out that white goods are the most stable and are the most directly benefiting from policy stimulus.

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