

Total CEO: Suspended offshore wind power project on the New York coast after Trump's election victory.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 27, 2024 11:05

On November 27, Glonghui reported that Patrick Pouyanne, CEO of French Total, stated on Tuesday that the company has suspended the development of wind farms off the coast of New York after Trump's victory in the usa election. This French energy group established a joint venture in October 2023 to develop the Attentive Energy offshore wind project off the coast of New York. Pouyanne indicated that the company decided to pause the offshore wind project since all offshore wind projects are located in Democratic states, and we will see better results in four years. Total holds a 56% stake in the Attentive Energy project, while partners Corio Generation and Rise Light & Power hold 27.7% and 16.3% stakes, respectively.

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