
港股异动 | 速腾聚创(02498)高开近15% 公司三季度业绩披露在即 隔夜禾赛科技绩后暴涨44%

Hong Kong stocks moved | Suten Juchuang (02498) opened nearly 15% higher, with the company's third-quarter performance disclosure imminent. Overnight, Hesai Technology surged 44% after its earnings report.

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 26, 2024 20:25

Suteng Ju Chuang (02498) opened nearly 15% higher, as of the time of writing, up 14.93%, priced at 19.4 Hong Kong dollars, with a transaction volume of 15.2465 million Hong Kong dollars.

According to the Zhiting Finance App, Suteng Ju Chuang (02498) opened nearly 15% higher, as of the time of writing, up 14.93%, priced at 19.4 Hong Kong dollars, with a transaction volume of 15.2465 million Hong Kong dollars.

In terms of news, Hesai Technology announced its unaudited financial data for the third quarter of 2024, achieving revenue of 0.54 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 21.1%. The total delivery volume of lidar reached 134,208 units in the quarter, a significant year-on-year increase of 182.9%; of which, the delivery volume of ADAS products was 129,913 units, a year-on-year increase of 220.0%. Stimulated by the bullish performance, the company’s US stocks surged over 44% overnight.

It is reported that Suteng Ju Chuang will release its third-quarter results on November 29. In the third quarter, Suteng Ju Chuang's total lidar sales were approximately 0.1386 million units, a year-on-year increase of 134.9%, with in-vehicle lidar sales approximately 0.1314 million units, a year-on-year increase of 147.0%. Soochow Securities previously stated that as the company’s product cost-performance continues to improve and the penetration rate of in-vehicle lidar continues to rise, the company’s shipment volume is expected to maintain high growth, scale effects will gradually emerge, and profitability is expected to achieve rapid improvement.

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