
中銀香港(02388.HK):基建債首日認購反應理想 建議投資者可認購15至20手

boc hong kong (02388.HK): The first day subscription response for infrastructure bonds is ideal. Investors are advised to subscribe for 15 to 20 lots.

AASTOCKS ·  Nov 26, 2024 16:19

The government issued infrastructure retail bonds yesterday (26th) for subscription, with a guaranteed interest rate of 3.5 per cent. BOC Hong Kong's Assistant General Manager of Personal Banking Products, Liang Meiyi, said that the response to the subscription of infrastructure retail bonds on the first day was ideal, with the average subscription amount per customer significantly higher than last year's green bonds, with most customers subscribing through electronic channels.

Liang Meiyi mentioned that amid expectations of interest rate cuts, infrastructure retail bonds allow holders to lock in a guaranteed return of at least 3.5 per cent over the next three years. In addition, the funds raised will be used for infrastructure projects closely related to people's livelihoods, helping to enhance public participation. It is believed that under the current market conditions, it is an attractive investment option. Investors with sufficient funds are advised to subscribe to 15 to 20 lots.


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