

Kingsoft Cloud (03896.HK) granted 0.962 million restricted stock units.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 27, 2024 00:30

Glory Holdings announced on November 26 that Kingsoft Cloud (03896.HK) stated that, in accordance with the Hong Kong Listing Rules Sections 17.06A, 17.06B, and 17.06C, the board of directors announced that on November 26, 2024 (USA time), it will grant 962,007 restricted stock units to an employee participant under the terms of the 2021 stock-based incentive plan, subject to acceptance, equivalent to 962,007 related shares or approximately 64,133 American depositary shares (rounded down to the nearest whole number of American depositary shares), which represents about 0.03% of the total number of shares issued by the company as of the date of this announcement.

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