

Suzhou Tianmai (301626.SZ): Successfully developed high thermal conductivity, low volatility, low oil output thermal silicone sheets and other series of products are widely used in the consumer electronics, communications equipment and other mid-to-high-e

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 26, 2024 20:56

Gelonghui on November 26th | Suzhou Tianmai (301626.SZ) announced that the company was founded in 2007. At the beginning of its establishment, the company's main products were thermal interface materials. Due to the reliance on long-term research and development investment and technological accumulation for the mastery of its core technology, there is a high technological barrier in the mid-to-high-end product field, which has long been monopolized by manufacturers from Europe, America, and japan. Since its establishment, the company has continuously invested in technical resources for formula research and process improvement in this field. After more than ten years of continuous development, thermal interface materials have become the company's flagship products. The series of products successfully developed by the company, such as high thermal conductivity, low volatility, low oil leakage thermal conductive silicone sheets, are widely used in the high-end consumer electronics, security monitoring, autos electronics, and communications equipment markets.

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