
万邦医药(301520.SZ):合肥群象拟1000万元参投私募基金 布局细胞与基因产业领域

Wanbang Pharmaceutical (301520.SZ): Hefei Quanxiang plans to participate in a 10 million yuan private equity fund investment, laying out the field of cell and gene industry.

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 26, 2024 19:51

Wanbang Medicine (301520.SZ) announced that the company-controlled Hefei Quanxiangqiming Enterprise Management Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership) ...

According to the Zhitong Finance APP, Wanbang Medicine (301520.SZ) announced that Hefei Quanxiangqiming Enterprise Management Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership) controlled by the company signed on November 22, 2024, a "Shenzhen Songhe Cell and Genetic Industry Private Equity Investment Fund Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership) Partnership Agreement" and related documents with various parties including Shenzhen Songhe Capital Management Co., Ltd. Hefei Quanxiangqiming subscribed as a limited partner for an investment amount of 10 million yuan in the Shenzhen Songhe Cell and Genetic Industry Private Equity Investment Fund Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership) (tentative name), with a contribution ratio of 0.67%.

The announcement shows that the partnership enterprise's main investment projects include cell and gene therapy, new virus vectors, R&D and industrialization of new vaccines, genetic technologies, R&D and industrialization of biological breeding, and upstream industries required in the above areas.

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