

kanzhun-W(02076.HK): According to the share purchase plan after the initial public offering, a total of 0.3957 million shares of Class A common stock will be purchased.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 26, 2024 16:33

On November 26, Gelonghui reported that kanzhun-W (02076.HK) announced that on November 25, 2024, internal resources of the company will be allocated, and the planned trustee will purchase a total of 0.3957 million Class A common shares (in the form of 0.1979 million American Depositary Shares) on the open market in accordance with the terms and conditions of the plan, and hold these shares in trust for eligible participants (as defined in the plan), with an average cost per Class A common share (excluding all relevant expenses) of 6.31 dollars.

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