

Brazilian institutions require apple to remove restrictions on in-app purchase payment methods.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 26, 2024 15:26

Gelonghui November 26th | The Brazilian antitrust regulator Cade stated on Monday that apple must lift restrictions on in-app purchase payment methods, as the regulator is investigating a complaint filed by the Latin American e-commerce giant mercadolibre. MercadoLibre filed lawsuits in Brazil and Mexico in 2022, accusing Apple of imposing a series of restrictions on the distribution of digital commodities and in-app purchases, including prohibiting the distribution of third-party digital commodities and services in applications. MercadoLibre also criticized the California technology giant for requiring developers to use Apple's payment system and preventing them from redirecting buyers to their websites. Cade ruled that Apple must allow application developers to add tools so that customers can purchase their services or products outside the application. Another preventive measure is that Apple must allow application developers to provide other in-app payment processing options in addition to Apple Pay. Apple will have 20 days to comply with these measures, otherwise they will be fined 0.25 million reais (approximately 0.043 million USD) per day.

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