

Beida jade bird plans to sell up to 20 million shares of jade bird fire.

Sina Hong Kong Stock ·  Nov 25, 2024 21:37

Beida Jade Bird (08095) announced that, as of the date of this announcement, the group holds 175,474,469 shares of Jade Bird Fire (002960.SZ) (excluding shares for sale), accounting for approximately 23.57% of the total number of target shares issued.

The directors recommend obtaining authorization from the shareholders to potentially sell up to 20 million shares of the target shares during the authorized period through (i) the open market of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and/or (ii) entering into a placement agreement with the placement agent to sell up to 20 million shares of the target shares through the block trade of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, accounting for approximately 2.69% of the total number of target shares issued as of the date of this announcement.

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