
Northern Lights社向け液化CO2船“NORTHERN PIONEER”引渡式を開催

Northern Lights Co., Ltd. held a delivery ceremony for the liquefied CO2 vessel "NORTHERN PIONEER".

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha ·  Nov 24, 2024 23:00

November 26, 2024
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.

On November 22, 2024, the delivery ceremony of the newly built liquefied CO2 vessel "NORTHERN PIONEER" for Northern Lights JV DA was held at Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Dalian Shipbuilding"). The actual delivery of the vessel is scheduled for a later date.

Engaged in the world's first full-scale Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) value chain project, this vessel will be managed by "K" LINE LNG Shipping (UK) Ltd., a subsidiary based in London of Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company"), and will transport liquefied CO2 from Norway's CO2 capture facility to Northern Lights' receiving base in Øygarden, western Norway.

Furthermore, the Company has entered into bareboat charter and time charter contracts for three liquefied CO2 vessels, including this vessel, out of the four vessels ordered by Northern Lights.

Based on the Company's long-term environmental guideline "K" LINE Environmental Vision 2050", various efforts are being made to achieve its own decarbonization goals and support society's decarbonization efforts. Through the advanced liquefied CO2 transport project in focus, the Company aims to utilize the knowledge gained for future business development, contributing to the realization of a sustainable society and enhancement of corporate value.

Comment from Tim Heijn, Managing Director of Northern Lights: "The completion of this vessel marks a significant milestone for Northern Lights and the CCS industry. Today, we celebrate the readiness of the CCS value chain of the Northern Lights project. The NORTHERN PIONEER and its sister ships will enable flexible and scalable CO2 transport throughout Europe."
Comment from Tim Heijn, Managing Director of Northern Lights: "The completion of this vessel marks a significant milestone for Northern Lights and the CCS industry. Today, we celebrate the readiness of the CCS value chain of the Northern Lights project. The NORTHERN PIONEER and its sister ships will enable flexible and scalable CO2 transport throughout Europe."

Comment from Yoichi Aketake, President and CEO of Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.
I am very pleased to reach this important day as the first step for the Northern Lights project. Based on the diverse knowledge of liquefied gas vessels that we possess, we, as a whole Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha group, will contribute to decarbonization in Europe through safe and reliable liquefied CO2 trucking.

[Ship Overview]
Cargo tank capacity: 7,500m3
Length: 130m
Width: 21m
Transport conditions: Maximum pressure 19 bar (g), minimum temperature -35°C
Main fuel: LNG
Low-carbon technology: rotor sale・air lubrication system



【Completion Ceremony】


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