

Digest of hot stocks (morning session): Mitsui E&S, Sekisui Chemical, Kids Star, etc.

Fisco Japan ·  Nov 26, 2024 10:41

Nissan's own <7201>: 391 yen (-15.9 yen)

A sharp decline. It is reported that it was known that US production would decrease 17% compared to the previous year until the end of 25/3. Factories in Mississippi and Tennessee appear to be targeted. Until now, it has been decided to cut production until the end of the year, but it seems that it has been determined that it is necessary to continue inventory adjustments due to poor sales. Incidentally, the company has decided to reduce global production capacity by 20% due to poor performance. In response to this report, it seems that people are becoming aware of the prolonged period of sluggish performance.

IHI <7013>: 7997 yen (-316 yen)

The sharp decline continued. It is reported that a fire occurred during the development test of the next-generation small rocket “Epsilon S” carried out by JAXA. It seems that an error occurred in the combustion test of the 2nd stage engine and a fire broke out. It seems that it was a test to confirm whether the engine burns properly. It is said that there is a possibility that the demonstration aircraft launch scheduled for fiscal year 24 will be pressured to be reviewed. IHI Aerospace is carrying out Epsilon launch services, and it seems that there are concerns about the impact.

Mitsui E&S <7003>: 1,645 yen (+149 yen)

Massive backlash. It has been announced that they have received an order for 8 near-zero emission tire type gantry cranes for the Port of Long Beach in California from an American port cargo handling company. In February, the US government announced a command document relating to cyber risk management measures for cranes made in China as measures to strengthen cybersecurity at ports, and after that, it was the first order acceptance project for the United States. There also seems to be a situation where people are aware that future order expansion will begin in earnest.

Sekisui Water <4204>: 2430 yen (+106 yen)

Significant continued growth. It is reported that the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry will establish a government target to introduce 20 gigawatts in fiscal year 40 for the new solar cell “perovskite.” It seems that it aims to support about 10% of household electricity use. In addition to supporting research on mass production technology for realization, it seems that measures to increase demand will also be examined. The company has begun development for commercialization of perovskite, and is aiming to start sales in '25. Expectations for enjoying policy benefits take precedence.

Kurogane Kosakusho <7997>: 897 yen car -

Stop buying at a high price. The redistribution for the fiscal year ending 24/11 has been announced, and it is a development that is viewed as purchase material. Although no year-end dividend was anticipated, it is said that a dividend of 20 yen will be implemented. Based on earnings forecasts, it seems that it has been determined that a system for realizing stable continued dividends is being put in place. The company's dividend implementation will begin with the 10 yen dividend for the fiscal year ended 18/11. Furthermore, the sale of some investment securities was also announced, and it is said that a profit from the sale of 55 million yen will be recorded as special profit.

Kids Star (248A): 1,655 yen (+100 yen)

Massive backlash. After the transaction ended the day before, it was announced that the free event “Gokko Land EXPO,” where you can realistically experience the world view of the social experience application “Gokko Land” for children with a cumulative total of 7 million downloads, was held at 5 locations nationwide from 24/7/11, and the number of participants exceeded 0.01 million people. The first year “Gokko Land EXPO” will be held at 5 venues, mainly at large shopping malls in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Next term (January to December 25), it will be held at 30 locations, and they are considering holding a real event in Vietnam.

Vaudreuer <4413>: 4750 yen (-205 yen)

The sharp decline continued. After the transaction ended the day before, it was announced that an application for a change in listing market classification will be made to the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market around the middle of December. In line with this, it was announced that stock sales of 2.4 million2000 shares and sales due to over-allotment of 0.36 million300 shares will be carried out. At the same time, 0.64 million600 shares, which is 4.0% of the number of issued shares, and share buybacks with an upper limit of 3.5 billion yen in value were also announced, but it seems that sales that are disgusted by the immediate deterioration in stock supply and demand due to stock sales are dominant.

Agile <6573>: 109 yen (+3 yen)

Continued growth. It has been announced that a joint venture will be established through joint investment with Orb Promotion, which operates a talent management business. The plan is to combine Orb Promotion's talent management industry know-how and industry connections with agile connections to the Chinese market, overseas expansion know-how, and even fan marketing knowledge, to first discover and develop talents belonging to the company, and then develop performing arts activities in China and Southeast Asia. Agile announced on the 22nd that it will start the travel business as a new business.

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