
德银看好美国经济 料标普500明年见7000点

Deutsche Bank is bullish on the usa economy, expecting the s&p 500 to reach 7000 points next year.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 26, 2024 09:47

On November 26th, Deutschen Bank strategist Binky Chadha believes that due to the strong performance of the US macroeconomy and the low unemployment rate, it is expected that the index may reach 7000 points by the end of next year. Deutsche Bank is one of the two most optimistic Wall Street major banks. Based on the closing of the index on Monday, 7000 points mean there is still a 17% upside for the index. Previously, only Yardeni Research led by Ed Yardeni also predicted that the index could reach 7000 points by the end of next year. Chadha points out that the economic cycle is strong, corporate profits are secure, driving capital towards the stock market, maintaining the market's upward trend. Chadha believes that the next wave of the US stock market's rise is not led by technology giants, but by financial giants benefiting from the economic cycle, consumer cycle categories, and raw material categories.

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