
Embraer Launches ONEChain Program to Increase Efficiency Within Supply Chain Operations

Embraer S.A. ·  Nov 25, 2024 13:00

· New integrated digital platform allows for real-time management of the supply chain improving operational efficiency

· Initiative is part of the Company's growth strategy to better balance production output throughout the next few years and improve supply chain collaboration

São José dos Campos, Brazil, November 25, 2024 - Embraer (NYSE: ERJ; B3: EMBR3), a global leader in the aerospace industry, has finalized the implementation of the ONEChain Program, an initiative to support the Company growth's strategy that leverages digital transformation to help improve the management of its supply chain. The ONEChain platform was designed to simplify and digitalize supply chain operations by fostering greater transparency, agility, and collaboration through an integrated process that benefits both Embraer and its suppliers worldwide.

By adopting and disseminating the best practices in the market, ONEChain has enabled the company to improve governance, standardize processes, reduce costs and expenses, increase competitiveness, agility, and productivity, as well as to digitize and unify a large part of the supply chain processes in an innovative way.

"In addition to achieving enhanced operational efficiency, we have integrated all operations with our suppliers and partners in a single platform, which makes it possible to manage operations in real-time," says Roberto Chaves, Embraer's Executive Vice President of Global Procurement and Supply. "This guarantees a more leveled and uniform production of our products, a reduction in fixed and variable costs, and more agile decision-making processes."

Recently, the ONEChain program was recognized at the Procurement Success Summit (PSS) in China, being awarded in two categories: Process Innovation Award and Procurement Ecosystem Award. "Being recognized at this global, top-level procurement award ceremony makes us very proud of the ONEChain Program, which is setting a new standard in digital transformation, supplier collaboration, and operational excellence," added Roberto Chaves.

The program has been implemented in Brazil and countries where Embraer operates: the United States, China, Singapore, as well as France, the Netherlands and Portugal.

Images: Embraer DAM (

About Embraer

Embraer is a global aerospace company headquartered in Brazil, with businesses in Commercial and Executive Aviation, Defense and Security, and Agricultural Aviation. The company designs, develops, manufactures, and markets aircraft and systems, providing comprehensive after-sales services and support.

Since its founding in 1969, Embraer has delivered over 9,000 aircraft. On average, one Embraer-manufactured aircraft takes off every 10 seconds somewhere in the world, transporting over 150 million passengers annually.

Embraer is the leading manufacturer of commercial jets with up to 150 seats and the top exporter of high-value-added goods in Brazil. The company maintains industrial units, offices, service, and parts distribution centers across the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Europe.

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