
PetDag's Q3 Profit Surges By 80% To RM334 Million

Business Today ·  Nov 25, 2024 22:05

For the third quarter of FY2024, Petronas Dagangan recorded a revenue of RM9.72 billion which came in lower from FY2023's third quarter where the group achieved RM9.9 billion. Profit after tax however saw a significant increase to RM334 million compared to RM184 million recorded in the previous year's quarter.

The growth it said was on the back of strong margins negated by elevated operating expenditure in line with increased activities. Strong margin was supported by favourable prices trend for commercial and a decrease in overall product costs due to lower purchase premium. The Group also registered higher volume mainly from Retail Mogas and aviation sector, resulted from rising demand and passenger movements both domestically and internationally, which has positively impacted the Group's profitability

As for the nine months, the group's revenue increased by RM1,484.0 million, driven by 4% sales volume growth as well as 1%
increase in average selling prices. The Group recorded a PBT of RM1.16 billion, an increase of RM123.1 million or 12% contributed by an increase in gross profit from all segments, offset by higher operating expenditure.

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